Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Frequently asked questions

Frequently asked questions:

Why is there so much fighting within the Muslim world?
Globalization has squeezed together people of different cultures tighter than ever before increasing tension between geographically adjacent groups. As the level of violent conflict has increased many political groups have misappropriated religious themes to justify the killing of their neighbors. Thus while the fighting may externally appear to be religiously driven the true underlying cause is often economic.

Does the Koran tell Muslims to kills Jews & Christians?

The Koran is very clear is stating that the Muslim religion is continuation of the Jewish and Christian faiths. A Muslim holds Torah and Gospels as revelations given to Jewish and Christians. A Muslim is not a Muslim if he does not believe in Torah, Gospels, Psalms and The Quran. He also believes in spiritual teachings from all the Holy Scriptures.

Unfortunately terrorist and hate groups interpret the scriptures in a very narrow minded way. They often brand Jews and Christians as infidels (i.e. non-believers) even though there is no scriptural basis, to justify killing innocent people.
The Quran calls them, "People of The Book" and calls Christians and Jews people with faith just as Muslims. All religions have extremist element and Muslims are not immune to extremism too. But this is not the way the majority of Muslim community thinks or behaves.

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